Project Description

City of Voices welcomes adults of all ages and abilities.
Learn performance skills and participate in quality theatrical performances.
All you need is a desire to create and express yourself, confidence and willingness to work in a group.
This year we are developing a range of exciting performances. Please stay tuned for our next performance project!
*Transport (for residents in Daylinks area only)
Venue: Sol Green Community Centre, Corner Montague and Coventry Sts, South Melbourne. To join please call us.
Duration: | Cost: | Day and time: |
Weekly (During School Term) | $6.00 ($8 Daylinks transport area) | Wednesdays 4.30pm – 7.00pm |

- Drop in and say hello
- Play with art materials
- Just give it a go
- Your thoughts & ideas
- Meet new people & have fun
- No skills needed, materials supplied
*Participants of all ages and abilities are welcomed
Group Facilitator Liz Milsom sees art as a fun way to explore creativity, have fun and meet others in a social environment. She is passionate about creating opportunities for members of the community to engage in visual art, music and drama without requiring any artistic skills at all!
Duration: | Cost: | Day and time: |
24 April – 26 June 2017 | $2.50 Concession $5.00 Full Fee |
Monday 1.30pm – 3.00pm |

Share and Care Entertainers is a group who have a weekly tap dancing classes with a professional teacher and also perform and entertain the community at events and functions. The class vary in all age groups and we welcome younger members. New members and beginners are welcome.
Venue: The Fishermen’s Bend Community Centre, Cnr Dunstan Parade and Centre Avenue, Garden City
Duration: | Cost: | Day and time: |
Weekly | $7 per session | Wednesdays 12.30 – 2.00pm |

Roarhouse Melbourne is an award winning community based arts initiative which is committed to creating all inclusive, independent art platforms, opportunities and networks for people who experience barriers to arts and cultural participation.
We are currently running #RoarStage Open Mic, every 2nd Sunday, 7pm-10.30pm @ the Balaclava Hotel, 123 Carlisle St, St Kilda.
Follow us on Facebook @ Roarhouse Melbourne to keep up-to-date with all our events! Or email us
Duration: | Cost: | Day and time: |
Ongoing | Free | TBA |

This is a brand new choir for people who sing for enjoyment.
You will sing in a variety of styles and develop skills in songwriting, harmonizing, breathing techniques, confidence, projection and much more.
Come and have fun and make some friends at weekly rehearsals, facilitated by highly experienced artists, Myf Powell and Geoffrey Thorsen.
Venue: The Community Room, upstairs 147 Liardet St, Port Melbourne
Duration: | Cost: | Day and time: |
10 Weeks | Free | Tuesdays 1.30pm-3.30pm |